Wednesday, June 10, 2009

16 Weeks

Little one is the size of an avocado this week.

I'm definately getting bigger. I had to break out the maternity pants on Monday. My other pants are getting too uncomfortable. But, I only have one pair, so I need to go shopping for more things to wear to work. I have sweats and stuff I can wear around the house, but I think they'd frown upon that here at work. 

I caught a cold this weekend, so I've been feeling a little miserable. I'm not taking anything for it really. Just drinking lots of fluids, and taking some Emergen-C knock off for lots of vitamin C. But, someone that I just had in a class told me to get some ginger, slice it up and boil it with some honey and drink it. I think I'll stop at the store on the way home and get some. 

I've been to the chiro twice since Friday and I'm going again today. When I went the first time, he said I had some issues with my sacroiliac joints which is what was causing my back pain when I laid on my side. I'm glad I went early since I've heard that can get really painful later during pregnancy if left untreated. I went back on Monday and am going today just to make sure that everything is adjusted properly. Once he's satisfied that everything is where it is supposed to be, I"ll see him once a month until closer to the birth, and then I'll be going more often. He's specially trained to work on pregnant women, so I'm really glad about going. I think it'll help a lot with positioning. (It's also helping me pay my deductible so that insurance will pay for the birth).

I can't believe I'm 16 weeks already. Just another month and I'll be halfway there. And sometime during those next few weeks, I'll hopefully start feeling the baby move. That's so amazing to think about. Time is flying, and soon enough it'll be Thanksgiving and time for baby to be here :)

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