Thursday, July 2, 2009

Week 19

Still feeling really good. Lately, I've been feeling almost as tired as I did in the first trimester...wanting to go to bed almost as soon as we get home. So I'm just trying to take it easy and get lots of rest.

Baby squirt is moving around a lot more now, or at least, I feel it a lot more then I did. Ultrasound is scheduled for July 13th, so we'll learn if everything is developing as it should.

I'm almost at the half way point, and that is scary if I think about it for too long. It's going by so fast and before we know it, baby will be here and we'll be parents. Responsible for another human being. This is going to require a whole lot of faith in God and his goodness. It's comforting to know that God already knows what this child looks like, personality, needs, and has all his days planned out.


Hannah Joy said...

aww a really o truely o baby bump!!! You look great. I can't believe you're just about to hit the 20 weeks mark!!! crazy!!! :0)

Maria said...

Wow, one more week and you'll be half way there! That's awesome! It seems like your pregnancy is doing by so quickly!

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." - Numbers 24-26