Sunday, April 11, 2010

Who is this baby?

The past couple of days have been rough. I don't know if it's just because he's still stick, and his ear is still hurting, or if it's because he's growing and changing and trying to reach new milestones, but I feel like I don't know this Aidan. I used to know exactly why he was crying and how to make it better. I could tell you when he was going to eat, and when he would nap and I knew exactly how to get him to sleep. Now, I have no idea why he cries. Naps only happen after much frustration and tears, sometimes from both of us. I can't nurse him in the living room anymore, especially if Nathan is here. Aidan gets so distracted, he'll take a few swallows, pop off, look around and then turn back to nurse. And if I take him into the bedroom, he cries thinking that he's missing out on something (at least, I imagine that's why he's crying).

He has been so cranky lately, I don't know what to do anymore to make him happy. And I especially hate not knowing why he's cranky. Is it his ear? Teeth? Just a new stage? I don't know. And I hate not having the answers.

1 comment:

Hannah Joy said...

that's about the age the crankies started for both RJ nad AJ- the weird napping drove me absolutely insane with RJ... I seriously felt like I spent my entire day trying to get her to nap- she was cranky, she was acting tired but she wouldn't go to sleep...And if I did get her to sleep she'd wake up the moment I breathed funny. It was like she was always wired and couldn't calm down in case she missed any thing. I don't know if that's what Aidan is doing. AJ does the same thing. But I'm so busy with RJ- well I guess it kinda just blends in the background, I sit on the balance ball and bounce her and comfort her or wear her a lot and if she passes out for a bit she gets some sleep, if not- ah well. It has gotten better the past few weeks- some days. Anyway, just wanted you to know it's probably on the normal end, a time of disequilibrium (sp?). I know whatyou mean about now "knowing" this baby. It's so hard and unfair some how. I go through stages of not knowing Riley (and Ami) anymore, and every time it's a new level of "agh what the heck!??!?!?!" and then we grow into it just to hit the new stage. I hear it gets better when they are older, you get more used to it. Maybe? miss you.