Thursday, April 2, 2009

6 Weeks

This is my 6 week belly picture. I've decided I want to take one every week. I'm feeling really good for the most part, just really tired. No morning sickness or anything like that. Though, for the past couple of days, I haven't been sleeping really well. I keep waking up around 4 or 5, and can't fall back to sleep after that. I also caught a cold this week, so that makes me even more tired. I left work early yesterday because I really didn't feel good. I basically just slept the whole day, and I feel a lot better today.

Nathan and I met with the midwife Tuesday night and it went really well! I liked her a lot, and I'm pretty sure that's what we are going to do. We're just going to talk about it a little bit more and make sure of our decision before we call her back.

It's been hard going to work every day. I find it really hard to concentrate, and I just don't want to be here any more. I want to try to work as long as possible, but I think that's going to be harder then I had originally thought. I also can't wait for school to be over. I am taking one class right now that is requiring a lot of me, and I'm struggling with it already, and it's only the 3 week of class. But I need this class to graduate, so I'll just have to push through it.

1 comment:

Maria said...

:) Yay for belly pictures!

Your as far as long as I was when I found out I was pregnant with Jack.

I've been praying for you and I hope that the fatigue lets up on you a bit, I can't imagine working and being pregnant...Going to school on campus and being pregnant was hard enough!

Chin up...34 more weeks to go! You can do it!