Monday, April 6, 2009

Week 7

So, if it's at all possible, I'm feeling even more tired today then I have been. And I also noticed something weird this past week. I'm losing a lot of hair! It's not falling out in clumps or anything, but whenever I comb my hair, a bunch comes out! I'm shedding almost as much as the dog :)

I've been craving some shrimp for a few days, so we went to Red Lobster for supper last night and I got shrimp linguini alfredo. It was so good, hit the spot.

Oh, and we scheduled our first prenatal appointment for April 28th at 1pm. I'm excited, I'll be at 10 weeks then, and the midwife said we should be able to hear the heartbeat :) I can't wait! I'm supposed to call the insurance company before then and try to get it all worked out to have Leslie (midwife) covered as an in-network provider. Hopefully, we'll be able to do that without having to jump through a lot of hoops.

1 comment:

Maria said...

When all is said and done and your beautiful baby is here...we're going to have to animate these photos and see your belly grow in warp speed!